Robotic Surgery
Robotic Surgery with da Vinci
While minimally invasive surgeries like laparoscopic surgery have been around for some time, there were limitations on the types of procedures surgeons could perform. The latest generation in minimally-invasive surgery—robotic surgery—was developed specifically to overcome these limitations. Robotic surgery has opened up a world of possibilities for more and more patients.
The New Standard for Minimally Invasive Surgery
The development of minimally invasive, laparoscopic surgery forever changed the way many procedures are performed. Robotic-assisted technology has taken minimally invasive surgery to an even more sophisticated level. Better visualization, dexterity, and precision have made it possible to perform even more complex, delicate surgeries using minimally invasive techniques.
Treating a Wide Range of Conditions
In the hands of a skilled surgeon, the da Vinci Xi Robotic System provides a minimally-invasive option for robotic surgeries to treat a range of gynecologic and urologic conditions.
For most patients, robotic surgery offers significant benefits:
- Less pain
- Shorter hospital stays
- Smaller incisions for minimal scarring
- Less risk of infection
- Less blood loss
- Faster recovery
Faster return to normal daily activities
With incisions just the size of a dime, da Vinci Robotic Surgery is on the cutting edge of medical technology. With the Center for Robotic Surgery, San Antonio Regional Hospital offers treatment beyond the limits of traditional surgery. It is here where skilled surgeons and robotic technology go hand-in-hand.