If you need to connect to SAM from your home or office, you can do so in just a few easy steps.
- Click on the following link: SAM Downloads.
- Download XenAppWeb.msi by clicking on the underlined link.
- Click run.
- After the application has finished downloading, open a new Internet Explorer window.
- Type in https://dsl.sach.org and you will see the PowerChart icon. Click PowerChart and login to SAM as you would if you were in the hospital.
- Android Users
- MAC Users
PC Users
Have you forgotten your username or password? Call the San Antonio Help Desk at 909.920.6300 and they can reset it for you.
SAM Training Video
Please view this short instructional video on SAM that includes a general overview of the system, its benefits, and how SAM helps our patients.
We have provided some frequently asked questions and responses relating to SAM and its functions. If you have additional questions that you feel should be added to this section, please contact Roldan Aguilar in Physician Relations at 909.920.4743 or via
email at raguilar@sarh.org.
Q: What are PowerPlans?
A: PowerPlans are procedure or diagnosis driven and are designed with Evidence Base Practices. Placing orders through a PowerPlan allows the physician to easily manage orders in a variety of ways.
Q: What is CPOE?
A: CPOE is an acronym for Computerized Physician Order Entry. As the name implies, the system is designed for the physician to enter the orders. The physician also manages orders (delete, add, enter new orders, etc…).
Q: What is the benefit of CPOE?
A: CPOE allows the physicians greater control of patient care and, therefore, patient safety. As the name implies, the physicians will be entering the orders into SAM. This eliminates many potential problems such as: transcribing errors,
unable to read written orders, misunderstood verbal/telephone orders, or an RN entering an order on the wrong patient.
Q: Who will use CPOE?
A: A list has been generated of the top 200 admitting, attending and consulting physicians at San Antonio. The physicians on that list are being targeted for CPOE due to the high number of patients in the hospital. Those physicians have
been contacted by San Antonio administration.
Q: Will I be required to use SAM?
A: Yes. All physicians (even ones not using CPOE) must sign into SAM and check their Message Center frequently. Within SAM, the Message Center is used to manage and sign documents, co-sign verbal and telephone orders, and convey information
between members of the San Antonio healthcare team.