Medical Staff Bylaws
The Medical Staff Bylaws are adopted to provide for the organization of the Medical Staff of San Antonio Regional Hospital and to provide a framework for self-government in order to permit the Medical Staff to discharge its responsibilities in matters involving the quality of medical care, and to govern the orderly resolution of issues and the conduct of Medical Staff functions supportive of those purposes.
The physicians, dentists, podiatrists, and psychologists authorized to practice medicine, dentistry, podiatry, and psychology respectively at San Antonio Regional Hospital are responsible to the Board of Trustees for the promulgation of, and adherence to, an appropriate standard of medical care for hospital patients. This obligation can be most effectively performed through the concerted endeavor of all such Practitioners and the cooperative efforts of the Medical Staff, administration, and the Board of Trustees. These Bylaws provide the professional and legal structure for Medical Staff operations, organized Medical Staff relations with the Board of Trustees and administration, and relations with applicants to and Members of the Medical Staff. They are to be constructed in conformity with applicable hospital licensing laws, applicable accreditation guidelines and regulatory requirements. They do not constitute an express or implied contract between or among any individual, committee, or entity, unless otherwise expressly determined by state law.
Click on the pdf link below for a full view of the current Medical Staff Bylaws.
Medical Staff Rules and Regulations
Click on the pdf link below for a full view of the current Medical Staff General Rules and Regulations.
Medical Staff Forms
Please click on the pdf link below to download and review the current forms.