Pre-Op Center
Surgery Scheduling Phone Number - 909.920.4975
Pre-Surgical Scheduling Request Orders Form 20201 (PDF Fillable Form)
Pre-Op Center Forms
All Pre-Op forms below in one file
- COVID-19 Screening Information - English
- Información de detección de COVID-19 - Spanish
- What to expect and surgery instruction - English
- Qué esperar e instrucciones de cirugía - Spanish
- Patient information sheet for Liver, Lung, Pancreas, Adrenal, Mediastinal, Kidney biopsies - English
- Hoja de información del paciente para biopsias de hígado, pulmón, páncreas, suprarrenales, mediastínicas y renales - Spanish
- Instruction for Angiogram, Angioplasty, Stent(s), Embolization, Atherectomy, or Thrombolytic therapy
- Cath Lab Instructions - English