Gift and Estate Planning utilizes various charitable options that can benefit you and San Antonio Regional Hospital. Some examples include gifts by:
1. Add San Antonio Hospital Foundation to your will or Trust. Below is sample language for you to consider.
I give and bequeath to San Antonio Hospital Foundation in the city of Upland, CA, the sum of $___________ (or a percentage of the estate) to be used for _____________________________
(or in the area of greatest need as deemed by the San Antonio Hospital Foundation Board of Directors).
2. Include the San Antonio Hospital Foundation address:
999 San Bernardino Road
Upland, CA 91786
3. Let us know! When the Foundation has been notified we would appreciate the opportunity to honor and recognize you in the Legacy Society.
A gift of stock is an easy way to support San Antonio Hospital and avoid capital gains tax on your investment. If you would like to donate stock, please contact the Foundation at Foundation@sarh.org or (909) 920-4962. Here is the information you will need:
Your name
Stock name, number of shares and the current value
Your broker will need transfer information including:
Name: San Antonio Hospital Foundation
Tax ID# 33-0042666
DTC Number 2039
You can make a meaningful gift to San Antonio Hospital Foundation without giving cash and your non-cash gift does not automatically mean giving up the income from stocks or other investments.
There are several ways to make a gift while retaining the income generated by the asset. These include charitable remainder trusts (for life or a period of years) and charitable lead trusts.
The benefits of each of these options vary, but they all share the following advantages:
Please contact the Foundation at Foundation@sarh.org or (909) 920-4962 for information about how to give utilizing:
Gift of Personal Property or Real Estate
Gift of Life Insurance
Retained Life Estate
Qualified Charitable Distribution
Gift from a Donor Advised Fund